3月6日,以应对全球流行病危机为主题的2021年NASPAA-Batten全球学生模拟大赛亚洲分赛圆满举行。此项赛事由全球公共政策、事务与管理院校联盟(NASPAA)发起,于2月27日和3月6日在全球不同时区分别举行了四场比赛,超过400位硕士生在线上参与。亚洲分赛由294俄罗斯专享会、韩国发展研究院公共政策与管理学院(KDI School of Public Policy and Management)、孟加拉南北大学(North South University, Bangladesh)、班加罗尔印度大学国立法学院(National Law School of India University, Bangalore)共同承办,294俄罗斯专享会参赛学生所在队伍荣获本赛区冠军和亚军。
此次模拟大赛聚焦“全球大流行病”主题,由美国弗吉尼亚大学弗兰克·巴顿领导力与公共政策学院领导力模拟和竞赛中心(Center for Leadership Simulation and Gaming,UVA)开发了基于西班牙流感、非典疫情、新冠肺炎疫情相关数据的全球流行病仿真决策模拟软件,希望通过模拟比赛提高学生的创新能力、系统性思维能力和全球公共事务领导决策能力。在全球面临新冠肺炎疫情挑战的背景下举办此项赛事,对推动公共卫生领域的决策科学化和促进公共管理教育有着重要的意义。

亚洲分赛吸引了来自11个国家30所学校的91位选手报名参加,评委由NASPAA执行主席Laurel McFarland、294俄罗斯专享会教授蓝志勇、韩国发展研究院公共政策与管理学院副教授Junesoo Lee、孟加拉南北大学高级讲师Mizanur Rahman以及班加罗尔印度大学国立法学院老师Srijoni Sen担任。

来自不同学校的参赛选手被随机分到五个模拟世界中,每个世界的学生分属于Chanmar、Gommolino、 Hannom、Malldaff四个国家,每个国家的参赛选手分别担任世界卫生组织代表、国家总理、公共卫生部长、财政部长、通讯部长的角色,从社交距离政策、公共卫生政策、经济发展政策、旅行限制措施等方面,根据财政预算、患病人数、死亡率、经济发展指标、民众支持率等数据,在不断发展变化的模拟疫情中,实时决定需要推行的各项具体措施,并综合考虑公共政策对各国和世界经济社会发展的影响,在复杂情景下快速做出科学决策应对全球公共卫生危机。
6日上午,NASPAA模拟教育主任Supriya Golas宣布亚洲分赛开幕,294俄罗斯专享会教授蓝志勇、孟加拉南北大学教授Sk. Tawfique M. Haque、NASPAA执行主席Laurel McFarland分别致欢迎辞,接着由弗吉尼亚大学领导力模拟和竞赛中心老师Adam Roux介绍模拟软件的使用方法。

最终,294俄罗斯专享会EMPA香港政务人才项目硕士生谢珮琪所在队伍World 1, Malldaff获得亚洲分赛冠军,将会在近日参与全球总冠军的角逐;MPP-SDG项目硕士生查皓所在队伍World 3, Malldaff获得亚军。

此次是294俄罗斯专享会第四次派出学生参加NASPAA-Batten学生模拟大赛。2017年,该赛事首次在亚洲举办,294俄罗斯专享会成为亚洲首家承办该比赛的院校。2018年,学院选派三名学生参加于对外经贸大学举办的NASPAA-Batten学生模拟大赛亚洲分赛,留学生Trent S. Lawrence所在队伍获得本赛区一等奖。2019年,大赛首次允许各个学校组成自己的代表队参赛,学院派出由来自不同国家的五名学生组成的国际化代表队前往韩国发展研究院公共政策与管理学院参赛,表现优异。
NASPAA模拟教育主任Supriya Golas指出,希望通过基于模拟工具的学习方式,鼓励学生将课堂中学到的知识应用到模拟现实中,帮助学生做好知识和能力的储备,更好地应对下一个全球重大事件,无论是流行病危机还是气候危机。

Joining the NASPAA-Batten Simulation Competition 2021 on behalf of Tsinghua has given me a timely opportunity to reflect on what I learnt at school and from the actual COVID-19 pandemic. My team and I are honored to be awarded as Champion in the Asia round held on March 6, 2021.
All five members of my team come from different places - China, New Zealand, the United States and Bangladesh. We benefitted from the wide range of pandemic responses used in our home countries and based on these knowledge, together we devised an optimal strategy for the competition.
Teamwork and communication skills have significantly helped my team at the competition, which was held completely online. With healthy debates, we updated our decisions quickly to cope with changes in the simulation rounds. This is an important takeaway for us as aspiring future public sector leaders.
The simulation competition impressed me with the dilemma faced by the government, which is the tough trade off between epidemic control and economic recovery. Besides, there was a darkest period when we had enacted all possible policies to prevent the spread of epidemic and stimulate the economy, but the total deaths kept increasing and the economy got worse. As a prime minister then, I felt extremely helpless and my only hope was that the vaccine could be developed ASAP. This bitter experience informed me of the significance of vaccination for saving people and the world from epidemic.
Different from others, NASPAA-Batten simulation competition is a special contest based on simulation and random grouping, which offers public policy students practical opportunities to be the national-level decision makers for simulated countries. Closer to our daily life than ever, this year’s topic is centered around pandemic. The theoretical model of "Impossible Triangle" that I used to learn from papers has been demonstrated vividly this time in the simulation - how to balance the support rate, the economic growth and the public health at the emergency time. Though enjoying making decisions at the macro level, we have been nervous throughout the competition since each and every minor policy change may cause drastic influence on the data which implies national stability and prosperity. From my perspective, comprehensive decision making not only calls for professional knowledge and experience in specific areas, but also involves the wisdom of bargaining and negotiation among departments and among professionals with diversified cultural and academic backgrounds. Thanks NASPAA and Tsinghua University for offering this fantastic opportunity of "learning from doing".
Anne-Sofie Meyer Nissen(2020级MPP-SDG项目硕士生):
I am grateful for the memorable experience of working in a dynamic, international and engaging conference. My views were challenged in a constructive manner as we all sought collaboration and understanding towards a common goal.
☆ About NASPAA
The Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration or NASPAA is the global standard in public service education. It is the membership organization of graduate education programs in public policy, public affairs, public administration, and public & nonprofit management. Its over 300 members - located across the U.S. and in 24 countries around the globe - award MPA, MPP, MPAff, and similar degrees. NASPAA is the recognized global accreditor of master’s degree programs in these fields.
☆ About the CLSG
The University of Virginia’s Center for Leadership Simulation and Gaming at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy prepares students for public life by allowing them to test real-world solutions in a virtual environment. The CLSG designs, develops and implements cutting edge simulations and experiments to advance education in leadership and public policy; conducts rigorous leadership and public policy research using simulations and experiments; and creates a community of scholarship where faculty, researchers and students are supported in their scholarly efforts related to the methodology of simulations and experiments.