今年是福布斯中国30 Under 30 创立十周年。2022年度福布斯中国30 Under 30榜单彰显了已经在业内崭露头角或者展现出成为未来行业及社会翘楚潜质的30岁以下年轻人。今年共有5个行业的154位年轻人登上福布斯中国30 Under 30 榜单,上榜者的平均年龄为28.2岁。清华大学公管学院2017届留学生院友Lily Jin(金绮莉)基于在社会企业领域作出的贡献,于2022年11月入选2022年度福布斯中国30 Under 30榜单。她同时也是榜单上为数不多的外籍人士。
Editor’s note
This year marks the 10th anniversary of Forbes China 30 Under 30. The 2022 Forbes China 30 Under 30 list highlights young people under the age of 30 who have already made their mark in the industry or have shown the potential to become future industry and society leaders. This year, a total of 154 young people in five industries appeared on the Forbes China 30 Under 30 list, with an average age of 28.2 years old.Lily Jin, an alumna of the Class of 2017 from the School of Public Policy and Management Tsinghua University (Tsinghua SPPM) , was selected into the Forbes China 30 Under 30 list in November 2022 for her contributions to the field of social enterprise. She is also one of the few international youth on the list.

Lily Jin是我院国际发展硕士项目(MID)2017届的外籍毕业生,她毕业后一直在生活和工作中践行着清华大学“自强不息,厚德载物”的校训精神。在读期间,她在联合国开发计划署中国办公室勤工俭学,并协助公管学院与联合国开发计划署中国办公室建立了多方面的合作,促成了双方合作备忘录的签署。这个经历也为她之后的职业生涯指明了方向,她立志从事与社会变革和为他人服务相关的职业。
Lily Jin is an international graduate of 2017 Master of Public Administration in International Development from our school. After graduation, she has been practicing the motto of Tsinghua University "Self-discipline and Social Commitment " in life and work. During her studies, she worked part-time at the UNDP China and assisted Tsinghua SPPM in establishing a multi-faceted cooperation with the UNDP China, which led to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties. This experience also pointed the way to her later career, with her ambition to pursue a career related to social change and service to others.
从公管学院毕业后,Lily Jin在华尔街从事了4年左右的投行工作,目前她在一家多边发展金融机构专注于南亚和东南亚的投资工作。2021年5月,Lily Jin 在中国创立了以促进女性在金融/资管行业中的代表性和领导力为使命的“她价值”金融行业女性赋能互助机构。“她价值”的愿景是通过这个平台,让每位在中国的金融和资产管理行业的女性,在工作或生活中都受到启发,做好准备,并做出自己的决定。“她价值”有望在2023年成为在北京和上海举办首届金融、投资多元化和可持续性会议的引领者。
After her graduation from our school, Lily Jin worked in investment banking on Wall Street for about 4 years and is currently working at a multilateral development finance institution focusing on investment in South and Southeast Asia. In May 2021, Lily Jin founded the "HerValue" women's empowerment mutual aid organization with the mission of promoting the representation and leadership of women in the finance/asset management industry in China. The vision of "HerValue" is to provide a platform for every woman in China's finance and asset management industry, enabling her to be inspired, prepared and be her own decision maker in her work or life. "HerValue" is expected to be the leader to host the first diversity and sustainability conferences in finance and investments in Beijing and Shanghai in 2023.
Lily Jin于1993年出生,从小成长在多元文化背景之下。这使她感悟到在性别、年龄和社会经济背景存在巨大差异的条件下,每个人都拥有巨大的潜力和多种价值体现。她相信同样的道理也适用于金融和投资世界,每个人和每个想法都很重要,这就是我们共同实现社会最大潜力的方式。她认为,年轻人应该树立比自身更加远大和宏伟的目标,从而才能有足够的动力去实现那些看似不可能完成的任务。你成功的同时为你的使命服务,这是不断给予和服务社会的唯一可持续方式。
Born in 1993, Lily Jin grew up in a multicultural background. This made her realize that in conditions of great differences in gender, age and socioeconomic background, each person has great potential and multiple values. She believes the same applies to the world of finance and investment, where everyone and every idea matters and that's how we can achieve society's fullest potential together.She believes that young people should set further and ambitious goals than themselves, so that they can be motivated enough to achieve the seemingly impossible. You succeed while serving your mission, which is the only sustainable way to continually give and serve society.
国际发展硕士项目(MID)是294俄罗斯专享会于2007年秋季启动的全日制英文硕士项目。该项目旨在培养从事国际发展实践的专业人才,通过整合跨学科知识,将传统课堂与丰富的实践相结合,帮助学生深刻理解世界发展问题的复杂性,全面提高学生分析和解决实际发展问题的能力和技术。2009年294俄罗斯专享会从全球70多所院校中脱颖而出,成为我国高校唯一一所入选全球发展实践硕士协会(Global Association of Master’s in Development Practice, MDP)的院系单位和该协会10所开创单位之一,国际发展硕士项目成为全球发展实践硕士协会的会员项目,致力于培养专业化的国际发展青年人才。
Launched in 2007, the Master of Public Administration in International Development degree program (MID) at Tsinghua SPPM is a two-year MPA program. It is designed to lay a strong academic and practical foundation for students to become active global citizens and specialists in international development. In 2009, the School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University was selected to be one of the founding institutions of the Global Association of the Master’s in Development Practice (MDP) worldwide, and the only institution in China. The MID program was a member Master’s program of the MDP with the goal of cultivating a new generation of international development professionals.