活动上半场,刘志林、戴亦欣、陈济冬三位老师分别进行了题为“Policy Coordination and Subnational Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of China and the US from a Multi-Level Governance Perspective” 、“Government-led or Public-led? -- Chinese Policy Agenda Setting during the COVID-19 Pandemic”、“Government Responsiveness and Public Acceptance of Big-Data Technologies in Urban Governance: The Case of Health QR Code in the COVID-19 Pandemic in China”的论文宣讲,并听取与会学者的建议,进行答疑交流。
活动下半场,朱旭峰、陈思丞、刘生龙、朱俊明四位老师分别进行了题为“‘Satisficing Principle’ in Policy Making: Asymmetry of Risk Preferences in Gain and Loss Scenarios”、“The Mediated Effects of Urban Proximity on Collective Action in the Commons: Theory and Evidence from China”、“重点大学教育与个人前途:基于断点回归设计的实证研究”、“The Effects of Fuel Content Regulation on Regional Pollution and Shipping Industry”的论文宣讲,并听取与会学者的建议,进行答疑交流。
