“清华大学2020年中国公共政策案例分析大赛”和“2020 Tsinghua SPPM International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on Sustainable Development Goals”两场精彩的比赛于5月-8月同步举行,分别以“抗击新冠肺炎疫情 推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化建设”以及“联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)”为主题。
The China Case Center at the School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University are holding two case analysis competitions from May to August, 2020. One is the national competition on the theme of “Fighting Against COVID-19 Pandemic, Modernizing China's System and Capacity for Governance”. The other is the Tsinghua SPPM International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)co-organized by TUSDG, which opens to global undergraduate and master students.
On June 6th, we will hold an online information session. We will introduce the two competitions and basic case analysis report writing skills, and also invite past participants to share their experience and answer your questions. Welcome to join us!
【Time】10:00-11:30 a.m., June 6, 2020
1. 大赛情况介绍
2020 Tsinghua SPPM International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on Sustainable Development Goals(英文)
2. 案例分析报告写作方法指导
3. 往届获奖选手经验分享
4. 交流与答疑
【Meeting Agenda】
1. Introduction to the two competitions
national case analysis competition on the theme of “Fighting Against COVID-19 Pandemic, Modernizing China's System and Capacity for Governance” (In Chinese)
Tsinghua SPPM International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (In English)
2. Brief introduction to case analysis report writing method
3. Past participants share their experience
4. Q&A
【如何报名参加?How to attend?】

Please scan QR code to sign up
Please join the QQ group for more information. We will send the link for online information session here.
National case competition QQ group No. 603803004
SDGs case competition QQ group No. 207862977
【往届获奖选手经验分享 Experience Sharing】


2019年,我国3个省市共发生4起村医集体辞职事件,暴露出乡村医生存在“招不进,留不住”的现实困境。廖睿力及其团队将乡村医生治理作为案例大赛的选题,走访了山西省平顺县两个乡镇,访谈近20名乡村医生,发现村医困境产生的根本原因是职能错配。其调研报告“坚守还是舍弃,乡村医‘境’如何破局?” 结合实地调研和全国数据,就政府补贴、执业门槛、医疗需求等方面,进行了较为深刻和详尽的分析,最终获清华大学2019年中国公共政策案例分析大赛一等奖。他将与大家分享案例大赛调研经历,为大家提供经验借鉴。


李乐怡 Leyi Lee
Leyi Lee graduated from Urban Management major in Nankai University and currently studies in the Joint Program of Master of Public Administration of Tsinghua University and Master of Innovation, Human Development and Sustainability, University of Geneva since 2019, in future cities and regions specialization. Her research fields are urban studies, urban planning and healthy aging in cities. She has worked as a policy research assistant intern in China Centre for Urban Development in National Development and Reform Commission.
She participated in the first International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on SDGs in 2018 and won the second prize with her team, by analyzing urban talent policy for innovative and competitive cities and sustainable urban growth. In the information session, Leyi will share her experience during the case analysis competition and her study in Tsinghua-Geneva program.