Speaker: Mr. Alain W. NOUDEHOU, UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative, People’s Republic of China
Moderator: Prof. WANG Youqiang, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
Time: 14:30-16:00, Nov. 13th, 2014
时间:2014年11月13日 星期四 14:30-16:00
Venue: Room 302, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
Language: English
On April 7, 2014, Mr. Noudéhou has taken up assignment as the UN Resident Coordinator, and UNDP Resident Representative in the People’s Republic of China.
Before this appointment, he was the UN Resident Coordinator, UN Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Zimbabwe from July 2010 until March 2014. Previously, he was Country Director in Tanzania (2007-2010) and served as Deputy Resident Representative in Rwanda from 2004-2007. He began his UNDP career in 2002 in Gabon as Assistant Resident Representative as part of the LEAD (Leadership Development) Program. Before his career with UNDP, Alain Noudehou worked for CHF International Inc., an international development service provider based in the USA. He rose through the ranks from Program Officer (1995-1996) to Country Director for CHF International in South Africa (1996-2000), to Deputy Director of Program Initiatives (2000–2002). He started his career in 1994 as Management Consultant for ICF-Kaiser Inc. in the USA.
Alain Noudéhou is a national of Benin and he holds a Bachelor Degree in Architecture from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and a Master of Science Degree in Management and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.
在此之前,诺德厚先生于2010年7月至2014年3月任联合国驻津巴布韦协调员、联合国人道主义协调员兼联合国开发计划署驻津巴布韦代表;2007年至2010年任开发计划署驻坦桑尼亚国别主任;2004年至2007年任开发计划署驻卢旺达副代表。诺德厚先生于2002年进入联合国开发计划署工作,参与领导力发展计划(Leadership Development Programme),时任开发计划署驻加蓬助理代表。在此之前,诺德厚先生就职于CHF国际公司,该公司总部位于美国,致力于提供全球发展服务。就职于该公司期间,诺德厚先生于1995至1996年任南非项目官;1996年至2000年任南非国别主任;2000年至2002年任项目部副主任。诺德厚先生于1994年参加工作,时任美国ICF-Kaiser公司管理顾问。
With the aim of improving inequality and promoting inclusive growth, the lecture will examines the fragmentation issue of the current social welfare system in China. And through examining international and domestic experience, it will puts forward a set of basic concepts and principles of establishing an integrated and inclusive welfare system, as well as a set of specific suggestions in creating a more integrated system for 4 selected social welfare programmes, i.e. compulsory education, pension, medical insurance, and social assistance.