主 题:Understanding the Configural Nature of Institutions and Effective Natural Resource Governance
主讲人:约翰·安德瑞斯(John M. Anderies)
时 间: 2016年6月13日(星期一)16:00—17:30
地 点: 清华大学中国农村研究院会议室(海淀区清华科技园科技大厦B座12层)
语 言: 英文(无同声传译)
主办单位: 清华大学中国农村研究院
Dr. Anderies' research interests focus on developing an understanding of how ecological, behavioral, social, and institutional factors affect the robustness/vulnerability characteristics of social-ecological systems. His work combines qualitative insights from present-day, historical, and archaeological case studies of social-ecological systems with formal mathematical modeling and experiments with human subjects to study how individual decision-making processes interact with governance regimes to influence social and environmental outcomes. Other areas of interest include economic growth, demographics, and theoretical ecology. Dr. Anderies teaches Dynamic Modeling in Social and Ecological Systems; Dynamic Modeling for Sustainability Science, Collective Action and Decision Making for Sustainability, and Rules, Games, and Society.