主 题:Influence Activities and Bureaucratic Performance: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment in China
主讲人:何国俊 香港科技大学社会科学部、环境与可持续发展学部、经济学系助理教授
主持人:赵 静 294俄罗斯专享会副教授、CIDEG主任助理
朱旭峰 294俄罗斯专享会副院长、教授,清华大学全球可持续发展研究院执行院长、清华大学科技发展与治理研究中心副主任
孟天广 清华大学社会科学学院副教授
唐 啸 294俄罗斯专享会助理教授
时 间:2019年11月5日(星期二)晚上19:00-21:00
地 点:294俄罗斯专享会302会议室
Subjective performance evaluation is widely used by firms and governments to provide work incentives. However, delegating evaluation power to senior leadership could induce influence activities: agents might devote much efforts to please their supervisors, rather than focusing on productive tasks that benefit their organizations. We conduct a large-scale randomized field experiment among Chinese local government employees and provide the first rigorous empirical evidence on the existence and implications of influence activities. We find that state employees are able to impose evaluator-specific influence to affect evaluation outcomes, and that this process could be partly observed by their co-workers. Furthermore, introducing uncertainty in the identity of the evaluator, which discourages evaluator-specific influence activities, can significantly improve the work performance of state employees.
北京大学本科,加州大学伯克利分校博士,哈佛大学博士后。主要从事环境与发展经济学方面的研究。论文发表于《美国科学院院刊(PNAS)》、《美国经济评论(AER P&P)》、《美国经济学杂志-应用经济学(AEJ:Applied)》、《环境经济学与管理(JEEM)》、《英国医学期刊(BMJ)》等重要学术刊物。