Trade wars effect on US tech companies
This is a global time and Huawei is the major player and supplier in 4G and even in 5G areas. If the ban really happens, made into implementation, it will affect all the customers, and even telecommunication operators in the world, Thus, we'll be affected. In fact, we have already observed this kind of phenomena in UK and Europe, which means this is not only the influence on China and the US, but also on the world and the other companies like Apple.
The Foxconn, as a major supplier in China, manufactured all the products of Apple, and they are producted here and exported to US. If this kind of conflict happens, that will also affect the customers in US. So it will influence on both sides.
After the collapse of financial crisis in 2008, some people said that China will face big problems. But what they observed is that the small and medium companies, they are very competitive. They improved on what we called the value chain, and they decreased their cost although the labor costs increased very much.
But on the other side, for some small and medium companies in US, especially the suppliers in the high-tech areas, there will be a heavy influence because Chinese huge companies like Huawei, bought a large quantities of semiconductors from the companies like Qualcomm. Thus, maybe for some of these suppliers, there will be a heavy influence on them. With chinese companies so intertwined with the global supply chain, its impact won't be easily overdone.
内容来源 | CGTN