
《国际水资源发展期刊》(International Journal Of Water Resources Development,IJWRD)是水资源管理领域的知名国际学术期刊(SCI/SSCI收录),主要刊载全球各地水资源管理方面的前沿学术成果,旨在改进水资源的利用方式和促进水资源研究成果的分享。近日,《国际水资源发展期刊》2020年第36卷第4期出版了由294俄罗斯专享会王亚华教授、香港科技大学公共政策研究院吴逊教授和新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院塞西莉娅·托塔哈达博士主编的特刊《中国水管理与政策的转型与创新》(“Innovative and Transformative Water Policies and Management in China”)。
The International Journal of Water Resources Development (IJWRD) is one of the leading academic journals in the field of water resources management. Recently, IJWRD July 2020, Volume 36, Issue 4 published a special issue of "Innovative and Transformative Water Policies and Management in China" edited by Prof. Yahua Wang from School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Prof. Xun Wu from Institute for Public Policy, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Dr. Cecilia Tortajada from Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
This special issue aims to critically and comprehensively analyze important innovations in managerial approaches, as well as new developments and associated challenges in water policies, by bringing together cutting-edge research and best practices on water resources management in contemporary China., and finally accepted 10 outstanding research papers, covering diverse fields including: urban water governance, water use control system, River Chief system, PPP model in water sector, water eco-compensation mechanisms, groundwater irrigation management, water rights trading, and freshwater use in China.
As Prof. Yahua Wang from the School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University pointed out in the review article of this special issue, effective and efficient water resources management is key to sustainable economic and social development. China has made substantial progress in transforming water governance to respond to water crises and to support rapid economic development. In spite of this, China still faces considerable difficulties and challenges, and that there is an urgent need to improve water resources management in China by better understanding the implications of changing socio-economic circumstances, the effectiveness of new management practices, and the impacts of policy interventions. Looking to the future, some broad principles can be used to guide the transformation towards improved relationships among government, market and civil society for water governance. First, as the government plays a leading role, it should work harder to build institutions to cultivate market and social organizations for water governance. Second, market mechanisms should be actively introduced, and water-related markets can be encouraged to be established and promoted, including water rights markets, wastewater treatment markets and sewage reuse markets. Third, the participation of social organizations should be introduced into all aspects of water governance, and the establishment of various user associations should be encouraged, so that they can serve as organizational bridges, connecting the government and the people.
The development and publication of this special issue were mainly funded by the National Social Sciences Foundation of China (15ZDB164).
link to special issue
Content of this special issue
·Innovative and transformative water policy and management in China
Yahua Wang, Xun Wu and Cecilia Tortajada
·A portfolio of China’s urban water governance sector: administrative system, coordination problems and policy evolution
Shaofeng Jia, Dalong Li and Raymond Yu Wang
·Water use control system in China
Dajun Shen, Ali Guna and Xiaodan He
·River chief system as a collaborative water governance approach in China
Yahua Wang and Xiangning Chen
·Public–private partnerships in the water sector in China: a comparative analysis
Neng Qian, Schuyler House, Alfred M. Wu and Xun Wu
·The Chinese characteristics of payments for ecosystem services: a conceptual analysis of water eco-compensation mechanisms
Raymond Yu Wang, Cho Nam Ng and Xiaoxing Qi
·Groundwater irrigation and management in northern China: status, trends, and challenges
Jinxia Wang, Yuting Jiang, Huimin Wang, Qiuqiong Huang and Hongbo Deng
·How to promote eff ective irrigation pricing reform in northern China? Insights from the Taocheng District
Sicheng Chen, Yahua Wang and Jesper Svensson
·Joint analysis of water rights trading and water-saving management contracts in China
Hui Guo, Xiangdong Chen, Jiahong Liu, Hongjiang Zhang and Jesper Svensson
·Freshwater use in China: relations to economic development and natural water resources availability
Siao Sun, Chao Bao and Chuanglin Fang
For details of this special issue,
please see the following link.