1. Zhang, Guiyang, Gao, Yuchen*, & Qi, Yong (2022). National depth and R&D alliance portfolio international expansion: The moderation of technological discontinuity and long-term orientation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121746. (SSCI, ABS 3)
2. Wan, Yinglin, Gao, Yuchen*, & Hu, Yimei (2022). Blockchain application and collaborative innovation in the manufacturing industry: Based on the perspective of social trust. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 177, 121540. (SSCI, ABS 3)
3. Xue, Lan, & Gao, Yuchen* (2022). From Modeling the Interactions among Institutions to Modeling the Evolution of an Ecosystem: A Reflection on the Triple Helix Model and Beyond. Triple Helix, 9(1), 54-64.
4. Gao, Yuchen, Hu, Yimei, Liu, Xielin, Zhang, Huanren (2021). Can Public R&D Subsidy Facilitate Firms' Exploratory Innovation? The Heterogeneous Effects between Central and Local Subsidy Programs. Research Policy, 50(4), 104221. (SSCI, ABS 4*, FT-50)
5. Gao, Yuchen, Zhang, Si, & Liu, Xielin (2021). Too Much of a Good Thing: The Dual Effect of R&D Subsidy on Firms’ Exploratory Innovation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Early Access, 1-13. (SSCI, ABS 3)
6. Hu, Yimei, Zhang, Huanren, Gao, Yuchen* (2021). In Search of Optimal Distinctiveness: Balancing Conformity and Differentiation via Organizational Learning. Management and Organization Review, 7(4), 690-725. (SSCI, ABS 3)
7. 高雨辰, 万滢霖, 张思. (2021). 企业数字化、政府补贴与企业对外负债融资——基于中国上市企业的实证研究. 管理评论, 33(11), 106-120.
8. 高雨辰, 柳卸林, 马永浩, 张华. (2018). 政府研发补贴对企业研发产出的影响机制研究——基于江苏省的实证分析. 科学学与科学技术管理, 39(10), 51-67.
9. 柳卸林, 高雨辰, 丁雪辰. (2017). 寻找创新驱动发展的新理论思维——基于新熊彼特增长理论的思考. 管理世界 (12), 8-19.