On the afternoon of April 26th, Moshik Temkin, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Leadership and History at Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University, and a fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, delivered a lecture titled "What Can History Teach Us About Leaders and Leadership in History?" at the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University (hereinafter as Tsinghua SPPM). Students from China and seven other countries attended the lecture. The event was moderated by Shi Shuting, Deputy Director of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange of Tsinghua SPPM.

Professor Moshik Temkin delivering a keynote lecture
During the lecture, Professor Moshik Temkin mainly focused on the relationship between history and leadership, introducing his new book, "Warriors, Rebels, and Saints: The Art of Leadership from Machiavelli to Malcolm X." By sorting out the rich narratives of history and culture, he inspired us to delve deeper into the art of leadership. The book reveals how leaders make bold decisions in challenging and changing environments, how they inspire the passion and creativity of their teams, lead the way, and forge ahead against the waves. More importantly, these historical cases and analyses provide valuable lessons, teaching us how to draw wisdom from success and failure, and apply the art of leadership in the real world to cope with constantly changing and complex situations.
Professor Moshik Temkin engaged in a deep discussion with the students present on the essence of leadership in different circumstances and how history shapes our thinking about leadership. He expressed his hope that through these analyses, students would be able to become better public policy leaders in today's society.

Shi Shuting hosting the lecture

On-site Lecture
During the interactive session, students actively asked questions, and Professor Moshik Temkin answered each one of them. The lecture ended in a friendly and lively atmosphere.

The Q&A Session

Group photo of the participants