On June 5, SPPM’s Science and Art of Leadership Course organized a field trip to Tianjin Economic - Technological Development Area (TEDA). The course professor WANG Youqiang led a delegation of 30 international students with SPPM’s associate dean, Ms. MENG Bo, who also joined the trip.
The theme of this trip was primarily on leadership as well as focusing on TEDA’s development. In TEDA’s management council, the delegation visited the exhibition hall and sand table model and took the opportunity to watch a 3D movie introducing TEDA. Overall, the introduction gave the international students a comprehensive overview of TEDA’s history, development and achievements.

In order to understand the innovative leadership styles which TEDA applies, the delegation visited the Tianjin International Joint Academy of Biomedicine. As a platform, this academy cooperates with Tianjin’s best academic and research organizations, establishing a new service system for new medicine technology research, which makes TEDA an important area of innovation and industrialization of biomedicine.

The TEDA trip was the part of the Science and Arts of Leadership course, which adopted a new organization method to divide international students into groups and take different responsibilities. In the whole learning process, students took initiatives to understand the theme of leadership. This trip was greatly supported by SPPM’s alumni who work in TEDA.