From August 7 to August 22, SPPM held Summer Course for International Master of Public Administration (IMPA) class of 2014 and exchanges students of CAMPUS Asia Program. It was divided into two sessions: Development Practice Lectures which is designed and moderated by Prof. ZHENG Zhenqing from SPPM, and Negotiation Skills which was lectured by Prof. Tsai Jiinsong from Cheng Kung University of Taiwan.

Based on “Development Practice”, there were eight lectures ranging from development practice to region comparison. The invited lectures are mostly academic experts from universities or research institute, such as Prof. Li Anshan, Prof. Yan Se and Prof. Binod Singh from Peking University, Prof. Mark J. Rozell from George Mason University and Prof. Steven White from Tsinghua University. In the course of Negotiation Skills, students were able to learn game theory, communication skills and negotiation practice.

Students enjoyed the good interactive atmosphere with invited professors and raised lots of practical questions during the class. They expressed that attending summer courses helped them have a deeper understanding of international development practice and negotiation skills, which was benefit to the development policy in their home countries as well as their career enhancement in the future.