Title: The Shale Revolution and its Public Policy in the United States
Speaker: Henry Lee, Professor of John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Moderator: Qi Ye, Professor of School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
Time: 11:00-12:00, June 5th, 2013
Venue: Room 302, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
Bio of Speaker:
Henry Lee is the Jassim M. Jaidah Family Director of the Environment and Natural Resources Program within the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government, Faculty Co-Chair of both the School's International Infrastructure Program and the Energy Technology Innovation Policy project, and a Senior Lecturer in Public Policy. Before joining the School in 1979, Mr. Lee spent nine years in Massachusetts state government as Director of the State's Energy Office and Special Assistant to the Governor for environmental policy. He has served on numerous state, federal, and private boards, and advisory committees on both energy and environmental issues. Additionally, he has worked with private and public organizations, including the Inter- American Development Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the State of Sao Paulo, the U.S. Departments of Energy and Interior, the National Research Council, the Intercontinental Energy Corporation, General Electric, and the U.S. EPA. His recent research interests focus on energy and transportation, the geopolitics of energy, China's energy policy, and public infrastructure projects in developing countries. Mr. Lee is the author of recent papers on China's oil initiatives in the Middle East and Africa, the economic viability of electric vehicles, as well as case studies on tariffs to promote solar energy, Iceland's green energy agenda, Liberia's electricity sector and health reform in Lesotho. He presently serves as the Chair of the Massachusetts Stewardship Council--a state body that oversees the State's Department of Conservation and Recreation.