I am Siddhartha Kumar, a new MID2016 class student, graduated from University of New Delhi, coming from India. For me, it is a great opportunity to be a part of the MID Class of 2016 at School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University.
Having been an undergraduate student of Political Science and Public Administration, I knew that this was the right way ahead for me. I immediately realized the scope and the relevance of such a specialized and a professional course. This course not only brings together a group of varied and talented individuals, but also a group of varied minds and perspectives coming from different backgrounds and cultures that facilitates the creation of a melting pot at SPPM that currently includes some of the best minds in the world. So I feel extremely honoured to be a small but an important part of such an efficient group.

In the past couple of weeks, I find SPPM to be the place consisting of all the good things of China itself. Considering that this is my first ever visit to China, I am ever so fortunate to be a part of a Department that treats me and the other international students with a lot of care and affection. The Chinese students here studying other courses have been extremely supportive and affable. The administration has shown umpteen dedication and zeal to integrate us into the SPPM mould. SPPM never ceases to amaze me with each passing day because the common things amongst all the people here be it professors, administrators, caterers, students, etc.; are the warmth and the support that all of them have extended to me. I think I can take this opportunity to thank the SPPM on behalf of the MID 2016 class for nurturing a place like SPPM to make it stand tall amidst all the other departments here at Tsinghua University.

I have a lot of expectations from the two years that I have to spend here in China. Normally I am not the one to expect a lot from anyone or anything but one cannot resist it if one is studying in one of the most prestigious courses in the 18th-ranked University in the World. I am looking forward to a world of opportunities but I know that the window of opportunity will open wide enough for me once I am able to read, speak and write in the Chinese Language. Therefore I expect to learn the Chinese Language in the best possible manner in the next two years. I also wish to groom myself here so that I can become a thorough professional at any work that I do in the future. Considering the present scenario, I strongly believe that China is the perfect place to be in. I expect to imbibe a lot from the Chinese culture and work ethic. But most importantly, I expect to learn the most and the best from the constituent demographic of Tsinghua University because I know that it is the optimism, tenacity and versatility of my fellow friends and my Chinese colleagues here that will shape me as a person with the same aforementioned qualities.